What Damage Can a Category 5 Hurricane Cause

Remember Hurricane Irma ? In fact, the 2022 storm was the strongest Atlantic Ocean hurricane Ever. As a consequence, it killed more than 100 people and acquired more than than $77 billion in hurricane damage throughout the Caribbean area and Usa. Now Irma was a Category v hurricane, which is the almost severe type and too the rarest. However, a good question to ask is – what blazon of damage can we expect from each hurricane category?

Hurricane Categories and Their Damage Potential

We mensurate hurricanes by something chosen the Saffir-Simpson Scale. This categorizes hurricane air current speed, which is an accurate mode to tell how much damage you can expect from a storm. Nosotros'll explore the unlike hurricane categories damage below, but first we need to take a wait at tropical depressions and storms.

Tropical Depressions and Storms

Tropical depressions are storms which have wind speeds of less than 39 mph or 34 knots. Withal, tropical storms have wind speeds of between 39 and 119 mph (34 and 64 knots). While neither of these quite striking hurricane wind speed levels, they're all the same extremely dangerous. Yous can expect:

  • Shaking and angle of trees, poles, bushes, and other objects
  • Potential power outages as a result of harm to powerlines
  • Pelting and potential flooding
  • Falling debris

Category ane

Category 1 has hurricane wind speeds between 74 and 95 mph (64 and 82 knots). This is considered dangerous and tin produce some hurricane damage, including everything listed above and:

  • Roof harm – shingles, tiles, gutters, etc. damaged
  • hurricane categories damageSome trees snapping and breaking
  • Heavy rain and flooding

Category 2

Category 2 hurricanes have sustained winds between 96 and 110 mph (83 and 95 knots). These hurricanes are considered dangerous and can result in the following damage:

  • Major roof damage
  • Many trees snapping, breaking, and being uprooted
  • Power outages lasting up to several weeks

Category 3

Category 3 and to a higher place are major hurricanes. These are extremely dangerous and produce significant hurricane damage. Category 3 storms have sustained hurricane current of air speeds between 111 and 129 mph (96 and 112 knots). They can lead to all of the harm already mentioned and more, including:

  • The compete removal of roofs, siding, decks, and other outer fixtures
  • Major environmental harm – flying debris, copse beingness lifted into the air, etc.
  • Significant flooding
  • Power outages and the loss of clean water services

Category 4

Category iv hurricanes have wind speeds of between 130 and 156 mph (113 and 136 knots). These are devastating in nature and tin lead to:

  • Severe structural damage to homes – collapsed roofs and walls
  • Deadly flying droppings
  • Heavy rains and floods
  • Power outages, loss of clean water, and more than lasting several weeks or months

Category v

Category v hurricanes have current of air speeds over 157 mph (137 knots). These produce the most hurricane harm, lead to the largest loss of human life, and are catastrophic in all areas. Look the following types of devastation:

  • Destroyed homes
  • Months without power and h2o
  • A generally uninhabitable area

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Source: https://www.aspwindows.com/type-hurricane-damage-can-expected-hurricane-category/

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